Abby’s Guide to Staying Motivated During Lockdown or Virtual Learning
Are you feeling disconnected from the rest of the world? You are not alone, The past 8 months have felt more like a decade. The pandemic has had a huge impact on everyone, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It has been a real challenge to feel motivated. It’s easy to feel like you don’t have to get work done when you have nowhere to go. Here are a few tips to help you feel driven:
Create a simple routine for the day
In the mornings, it can be difficult to get your day started when you know you’ll be staying home all day. You can set goals each day that you know you can accomplish. It can be as simple as putting time aside to make your bed or sit outside. Try to have structure in your day without making it seem too repetitive. Go to sleep at a reasonable time and set an alarm for the weekdays. The little things might not seem as rewarding as you think, but they are very encouraging. Being dressed, ready and organized to start your day will make you feel like you can conquer your goals.
Go at your own pace
Try to set realistic objectives. It’s okay to cut yourself some slack when it comes to getting things done. Write down important deadlines so you won’t forget. You can break down each task into separate sections so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Don’t forget to set your priorities straight.
Take care of yourself
It’s so easy to forget to look after yourself during times like these. Not only does your body need attention, but your mind does, too. Staying active any way you can is important. Hydrating and eating right can improve your mood drastically. Also, do something for yourself. Listening to music or painting can relieve stress. When you take proper care of yourself, you will feel more inspired.
Stay connected
Speaking to your loved ones can remind you why you want to put in hard work. Communicating with the people you care about is very important. They have your best interest at heart and will want you to succeed. Talking about your day or what you are going through can be really helpful.
Stay positive
Although it can be difficult, try to remain happy. While these circumstances aren’t ideal, we will get through it. There are so many things to look forward to when you really think about it. In order to achieve those things, we have to get through these times now. Think about some of the pros of being home; you have so much more free time to do things for yourself. When you have an optimistic outlook on life, your attitude will improve. Making the most out of a poor situation will ultimately result in the outcome being ten times better.