Disney World is the happiest place on earth and holds so many memories for people everywhere including childhood memories, and memories made with their own families. Disney World is loved by millions however, many will make the argument that it’s too expensive, which is true; a Disney trip can easily cost a few thousands, for just your room and park tickets. Food, souvenirs, and lightning lanes (skipping the lines), can add so much more money to each trip. I was born into a family that loves Disney, and now being 17, I love Disney so much: for the movies, shows, and the theme parks. Being in a family of 6, Disney trips are few and far between. I love Disney World, but is it worth spending $10,000 for a week’s vacation? Let’s break it down.
Now, of course, if you hate Disney, you do not want to spend thousands of dollars on a Disney trip. With Disney, there are ways to save your money, and ways to really spend your money. It is also important to note that the more people paying, the cheaper the trip will be. However, once you start paying for more than yourself, the bill starts to really add up. Here are the five things I believe are the biggest things to think about when going to Disney and how/where to spend your money (again this is not including park tickets and entry).
There are hotels on Disney World property and many outside Disney Property. The most expensive hotels can cost up to $704 per night on weekdays, $974 per night on weekend nights, or some could be as low as $207 per night. Now, of course, the more expensive hotels have more amenities than the cheaper ones. As a family of 6, we stay at All Star Music Family Suite, (which can hold up to 6 people). I have heard that most All Star rooms (there are 3 All Star resorts) are really bad except for the Family Suites. In Disney the cheaper you pay, the cheaper experience tends to be what you get. All Star Resorts typically host teams and bands from schools who are playing at Disney World. Of course, staying outside Disney property can save you money; however, you still need to drive to the parks, as all Disney resorts provide transportation to and from all the parks.
There are many dining options in Disney World. Aside from just paying when you get the food, there are different Dining Packages that you can purchase. The Dining Plan for Adults is about $95 per day, per adult. My family always gets the Dining Plan, and I asked my dad once how to know if it is worth getting. He told me that as long as your party is eating at least $95 each or more per day, then it is worth it. Disney has deals, but you must know your party before spending, even if it says deal. The Dining Plan has many benefits, however, it might not be right for your family if you are with a group that is bringing their own food or does not eat that much. I think it is also beneficial to say how Disney prices are insanely high compared to regular food prices. One mickey pretzel is $7.99. There are different food services such as quick service or sit down restaurants. Quick services can be really expensive if everyone is getting their own meal. Make sure to do your research to know what would be good for your family.
Skip The Lines:
There are many rides in all four Disney Parks (not counting the Water Parks). Disney World is insanely popular and many of their rides and attractions are always packed. While many have little tricks on when to ride certain rides to skip the crowds, one thing is certain: without paying you will have to wait in long lines. I’m not meaning 15 minutes here and there; most rides can hold a wait time of at least 55 minutes, if not longer. Disney World in the summer is so hot that tempers are high, and waiting in long lines does not help that fact. When I was helping my Dad plan our Disney Trip, I told him all about the skipping line options. At first he refused to get it claiming that “the Mouse already has enough of my money,” yet the sooner we got to our trip, the quicker his mind changed. We purchased Lightning Lanes and barely had to wait in any lines. I asked my dad then how he felt about the Lighting Lanes. He told me that he knew waiting in long lines would have bad consequences on our tempers. Plus he did not want to wait in line anymore than the next person. I reminded him of his original comment and he laughed saying, “I just gave my wallet to Mickey. I’ll worry about the bill later.”
There are many extra things to do in Disney world. Aside from everything else there are photographers all over all of the parks and you need a photo package called the “Memory Maker” to receive those pictures. There are also pictures on many of the rides. Now, of course if you hate pictures and the thought of someone taking your picture makes you sick, then feel free to skip over this part of Disney. I love taking pictures and Disney World is so beautiful that I wanted my picture taken whenever I was able. My family bought the package and we got so many pictures that I will treasure forever. Aside from pictures, there are behind the scene tours and VIP tours. There are also places to ride horses, make lightsabers, and dress up like a princess or prince. All of these are additional added costs, yet to many, the money doesn’t matter so much as the memoires do.
When on vacation most people will want a little something to take home with them to remember the trip. With Disney, there are so many stores and so much to choose from. I personally love to collect pins between buying, and trading them, this trip I got 40 pins. Souvenirs can cost lots of money, especially if you are buying many souvenirs on top of everything else you bought solely to just get to Disney World. So make sure to either give yourself a spending budget, don’t go into the stores, or shop and worry about the bill after your trip.
Overall, as someone who loves Disney, I believe the money is worth everything you get from the trip. Call it childish, but most of my best memories are from Disney, and being in the beauty of Disney World never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Everyone has their own passions, and their passions will lead them to go on different vacations. For me, Disney has it all. One day I want to go to every Disney theme park around the world. To me the money is worth it, but to others it may not be. But hey, the money you are spending on Starbucks every morning, designer clothing, sports games, and makeup, I will use for future Disney trips and be all the happier for it. Disney world is known as “The Happiest Place On Earth,” and I can’t find any reason to disagree with that fact.