The Future Is Female: Nanuet Students and Teachers Show Admiration For Female Role Models This Women’s History Month

The bulletin board in the English wing, displaying quotes from influential female writers, is especially fitting during the month of March, Women’s History Month.
The month of March celebrates Women’s History Month in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women’s Day on March 8. The prospect of a month dedicated to the observation of women’s history dates back to 1978, due to the efforts of the “Education Task Force of the Sonoma County California Commission on the Status of Women” to initiate a “Women’s History Week”.
The month is observed to “represent the struggle and hardship in which women were faced with throughout any point in history, even today,” according to self-proclaimed “number one fan” of Women’s History Month, Junior Aiden Silverstein. [It] helps remind us how strong, powerful, and brave women truly are, for despite their backs being against the wall, so many have pushed back, and proved that despite being challenged, there can still be victory.”
However, as much as Women’s History Month serves to honor strong historical women, it is also crucial to take the time to appreciate the women in one’s day-to-day life.
Silverstein remarks he is taking the time this month to appreciate his mother.
“She has, in my eyes, transcended a role model, and everyday I strive to be just half of what she is today,” he said. “Just her resilience despite being surrounded by four annoying men in her house, myself included, just goes to show how much she really has had to go through. But on a serious note, I truly cherish and treasure everything she has ever taught me, even if it is simple, like, ‘just do it now to get it over with.’”
Silverstein is not the only student taking time out to acknowledge everyday women making a difference.
“I would say my [role model is my] older sister, Raquel,” says Sam Mazariego, a sophomore. “My mom is still injured from a car accident she was in in November, and my sister Raquel has been with her this entire time taking care of her. We tell her she can come back if she wants and she says ‘no, someone has to be here for her emotional support’…She’s [been] such a great role model for me my entire life and I really appreciate her being there because it makes me feel like my mom’s being well taken care of.”
Outside of family, students are also grateful for the work done by amazing women on our school’s staff. Junior Julia Lehane declared that Ms. Sadoff is a woman who inspires her.
“Ms. Sadoff is my cello buddy,” she said. “She keeps orchestra very light and makes us all feel like we have a place there. She pushes us to our potential and [to be] our best selves.”
Beyond the scope of Nanuet’s school and local community, there are other women who have made a difference for Nanuet Students.
“A historical figure that has always inspired me is Marie Curie,” states Jordy Chimborazo, a junior “She faced so much discrimination due to being a woman, but she persevered, even to the extent of moving countries to pursue her education, and she left one of the most prominent legacies on my favorite science, chemistry.”
English teacher Mark Salerno agreed with Chimborazo, stating that he has a lot of respect for the subject of radiology.
Women in the arts have also made an impact on the lives of Nanuet students. For Freshman Katie Schmid, this includes Taylor Swift.
“I love her music, but I also love her as a person,” she said. “Everything she is doing to take back her own work is inspiring, with the Taylor’s Version albums, and [the attention brought] probably helping other young singers with fresh careers cover their bases, so it doesn’t happen to them.”